Van Gogh once said, “there’s nothing more genuinely artistic than to love people.” It makes perfect sense then, for the immersive Van Gogh Experience to bring forth a multisensory Valentine’s Day special to Grand Rapids featuring romantic tracks. This February, proclaim your love at the heart of an audiovisual haven…
Commended works by Vincent Van Gogh
The soothing experience gathers its inspiration from the legendary artist that conciles art and love.
Van Gogh always portrayed love in a very realistic way. While his relationship with a lover, Augustina, didn’t work out in the long run, he finished multiple paintings of courting couples in the timeframe they were seeing each other. He wrote in one of his letters, “I can’t live without love. I couldn’t care a fig for life if there wasn’t something infinite, something deep, something real.”
Soothing live music evoking captivating themes
It isn’t surprising to see Van Gogh’s work highlighted at this soothing multisensory Valentine’s Day Special that pulls at the heartstrings. To effectively depict the magical works of the artist, the Valentine’s Day Special features live music surrounding Van Gogh’s lasting themes.
The talented Listeso string quartet will perform beautiful classical pieces featuring a wide variety of romantic songs. Sweet melodies from The Beatles, the movie Up as well as iconic music from Edith Piaf bring forth Sunflowers’ warm, bright, nostalgia while soft strings wrap you in Van Gogh’s Starry Night‘s ethereal nature.
State-of-the-art technology
The Valentine’s Day Special uses cutting-edge 360º digital projections, offering a one-of-a-kind virtual reality experience that plunges you into a uniquely atmospheric light and sound show.