Experience your city to the fullest with the Secret Club
Unlock exclusive access to discounts, top-secret hidden gems and personalized recommendations.
Subscribe now for just $1.99 / £1.99 a month. Cancel anytime.
Members get
— Exclusive Content
Including personalized recommendations from our Secret Media team
— Discounts and gifts
For 450+ things to do in your city
— Perks for live experiences
Including free tickets, complimentary drinks, and more
— Connect with other city-lovers
The more you share the more perks you get
Select your city and subscribe
Where should we go next?
Drop your email and tell us where you want the Club to be launched. You’ll be the first to know when we get there!
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Our FAQ’s
About the Secret Club
What is the Secret Club?
The Secret Club is our subscription membership that offers the opportunity to unlock discounts, exclusive content and other perks for events, restaurants and more.
Which cities is the Secret Club available in?
Currently, the Secret Club is available in London and New York. Join the waitlist to be one of the first to know once the Club arrives to your city!
How can I subscribe to the Secret Club?
Becoming a member of the Secret Club is quite easy. Simply select your city, type of subscription, payment method and that’s it! You’ll gain immediate access to our membership platform and start enjoying your city like never before.
Is the Secret Club part of Secret Media Network?
Yes! Secret Club is managed by Secret Media Network. Like our local pages, we strive to deliver high-quality, curated content to our members, ensuring you receive only the best recommendations for dining, partying, culture, and more.
The Membership
How much does the membership cost?
Our monthly membership prices start at 1.99 USD / 1.99 £, and if you choose our yearly subscription, you can save up to 30%. Select your city to view the prices per local Club.
Is there a free trial period?
Unfortunately, currently we don’t have any free trial periods.
Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yes! You can cancel your membership and leave the Secret Club at any time, in the “Authentication” section. Check more about Payment details in the Billing section of the Secret Club.
What happens if I cancel my membership?
If you cancel your membership, you’ll lose access to the Secret Club community platform and all your discount coupons will be canceled.
Is there an age restriction to join the Club?
You must be at least 18 years old to join the Secret Club. Visit our Terms & Conditions to learn more about this.
Perks & Benefits
What are the benefits of joining the Secret Club?
By becoming a member, you will gain access to an exclusive community where you’ll be able to connect with other city-lovers like you, share and get recommendations for the best city spots, and of course, you’ll be granted always-on discounts, giveaways and perks to the hottest experiences, restaurants and bars.
What kind of discounts can I get?
All our members will get a monthly 15% discount for any Fever plan of their choice (within the city you’ve selected). Additionally, we’ll offer additional discounts, free tickets and other giveaways through different trivias and dynamics, these will vary month to month and are subject to change and availability.
How do I access my discounts and perks?
Our members will receive their monthly discount via email, so no one else will be able to see it. The rest of perks and discounts will be shared via private messaging, email or posts depending on the dynamic. These will vary month to month and are subject to change and availability.
Are there any restrictions on the discounts? (quantity, events, etc)
Some restrictions may apply and these may vary month to month. We will communicate these restrictions each time we grant you any discount.
How will I know about upcoming perks and benefits?
We will communicate all our trivias, dynamics and other activities to win additional perks and benefits in our community platform.
Can I share my discounts and other perks to other people?
No, your coupons and discounts must be used only by active members. However, you may purchase more than one ticket with specific coupons, this way you’ll be able to attend events and activities with whomever you want, regardless of them being a member or not.
Payment & Billing
What payment methods are accepted for membership fees?
Credit and debit cards are accepted to pay your subscription.
Will I receive a receipt for my membership payment?
You’ll receive a confirmation email with your subscription details. To access your receipts and payment history, simply go to your Profile on our Community Platform > Billing > History.
Are there any additional fees besides the membership cost?
No, there aren’t any additional fees to pay to the Secret Club.
Is the membership automatically renewed?
Yes, the membership will automatically be renewed according to the type of subscription you selected on the next billing cycle (i.e., if you chose a monthly subscription, an automatic renewal will happen on the next month).
Can I change my billing cycle?
Yes, you can go to your Billing area and select a different type of subscription.
User Interaction & Community
Can I interact within the Club?
That’s the whole point! Different spaces will be open for our members to interact. You’ll be able to comment, react and share recommendations and the best kept secrets and hidden spots from your city, that no one but a true local should know about.
Are there any guidelines for interacting with other members?
Yes, we are a community and it’s everyone’s responsibility to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. Read more about our guidelines in our Terms & Conditions.
Can I share promotions and other offers from products or services?
We expect all members’ contributions to add value to the Secret Club. Self-promotion, spam, and irrelevant links are not allowed. Members should only upload content they own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to share if it belongs to third-parties.
Can I invite non-members to join discussions?
No, the Secret Club is a members-only community. Therefore, any person that wants to join a discussion must become a member.
Moderation & Safety
Who moderates member interactions and content?
We expect our members to contribute to the Secret Club in line with our language requirements, and the Secret Club administrators will verify compliance with these standards. Read our Terms & Conditions to learn more about this.
What happens if a member violates the community guidelines?
If the Secret Club language requirements are not upheld at the sole discretion of the Secret Club administrators, the Secret Club administrators reserve the right to take appropriate measures. Read our Terms & Conditions to learn more about this.
How do I report spam or inappropriate behavior or content within the community?
If you believe that a post or comment does not comply with the Secret Club language requirements, you may report it by sending an email to secretclub@secretmedianetwork.com, and the Secret Club administrators will review the matter and at their sole discretion they reserve the right to take appropriate measures.
Can I delete my posts or comments?
Yes, you can delete any post or comment you’ve made in the past.
Is my profile information seen by other members of the Secret Club?
Yes! Other members will be able to see certain information from your profile. If you wish, you can completely hide your profile in the “Edit Profile” section.
Who can I contact if I have issues with my membership or discounts?
You can contact the Secret Club team through the following email: secretclub@secretmedianetwork.com. Please note the Community platform is managed by Circle, and that the Secret Club team will only handle issues related with perks and your membership. Any other issues related to the platform must be reported directly to Circle.
What should I do if I don't receive my discounts?
You can always send us a direct message through our Community or email us to secretclub@secretmedianetwork.com (make sure your membership is active and paid!).
I am an event organizer, owner of a local business or creator. How can I collaborate with the Secret Club?
We are eager to collaborate with partners that share our vision and want to connect with an engaged audience in love with their city, send us a mail to secretclub@secretmedianetwork.com